Friday, June 25, 2010
The scary closet
I went outside and found Tony, and told him I just needed a hug. So he hugged me and I started crying again. He asked why I was crying and I told him my story. He said he would have broken the door down if he was stuck like that. All in all I was in the closet for only about 10 minutes but it seemed like an eternity, especially knowing that if I couldn't get out on my own, I would have been in there for at least an hour waiting for Tony.
Sadie is my hero. She reacted just like Lassie would have. She tried really hard to save me and that's why I love her. :-)
Lesson learned:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Again with the hormones!
Anyway, This movie just hit me like a ton of bricks. The girl is 6 months pregnant and just everything she is feeling, I have felt in the last few months. She has her pity party moments and the guy being a really good expectant dad, says all the right things, even though they don't help her feel any better, she cries and he continues to say sweet things anyway. I'm watching it and crying and of course Tony comes out and sees me. As I try explaining to him why I was crying, I started bawling some more and I tell him I'm not even sad, it's just the stupid hormones. He tells me I'm so cute and gives me a box of kleenex and leaves the room. I told him he could use a few pointers from the guy in the movie. A hug would have been nice. Just saying. He's doing better at this stuff, but just coming up short sometimes.
Anyway, I'm over these dumb hormones.
Monday, June 21, 2010
3D ultrasound
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hormonal a funny way.
It was really good to let it out though. I had just read in the baby book not to be surprised if one minute you are laughing and the next you are crying. I think that is part of why I couldn't stop.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hospital Tour
What we learned:
- Only 3 people can be in the rooms at one time to visit
- We have a 2 hour recovery period before we will be moved to our official room
- We have to be there for 48 hrs from the time of birth before being discharged
- If I have a C-section, only Tony can be in there with me
- I need to eat before I get there, because most likely all they will give me is liquids until I deliver (very important to stop for food beforehand)
- I can shower after the birth if I'm able to walk
- Visiting hours are from 9am-9pm
- Baby stays with us the whole time unless there are complications
We learned some other stuff but those are the most important for now. Tony even asked a couple of questions. They were about the wifi connections in the rooms and how he can name the baby without my permission, but at least he asked something I guess. We were the funny couple of the group.
It was good to know what our options are and I will be putting together a plan soon for how I would like things to go. I know everything will happen how it happens but Tony and I have some requests from our families about who we want where in the hours leading up to the birth.
On another note, I freaked out last night because I thought I saw my first stretch marks on both sides of my belly right before bed. There were 4 scratch like things going on. I slathered on some extra lotion and decided not to cry about it unless they were there this morning. Well, I woke up, and they were all gone. I think Tony just scratched me or something. He likes to gently scratch the belly. So luckily, I'm still stretch mark free for now. Crossing fingers that it stays that way.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
28 weeks appt.
I gained 4 lbs so I'm up to a total of 14 lbs. Still on the low to normal side. Fine by me, the less I put on, the less I have to take off. I felt like I gained a lot this month but I guess it was mostly baby.
We finished putting the crib together last night and put the bedding on it. It looks cute. I like it. Tony made sure I took pics of it all together. I think he secretly is getting into things slowly but surely although he still will not admit it.
So after our big flood last weekend, we are finally back in the house. I am still hoping we can get our flooring in before my shower. We will be cutting it close no matter what.
Friday, June 4, 2010
UF-of L
Today, I fell in love with my baby. I don't know what is different about today but something just changed. Occassionally I'll call Tony on the phone from work or wherever and tell him I was just calling because at that moment in time, I'm having uncontrollable feelings of love for him, that makes his day and then we hang up and go about our business. Well, today I was just sitting in the car singing a random song on the radio, rubbing my belly and those same uncontrollable feelings came over me. But this time I wasn't thinking about Tony. It was all for this little boy I have yet to meet. It brought a tear to my eye (stupid hormones). He wasn't even moving around, he was still sleeping but something just clicked. So I guess I am in love with another boy now. I hope Tony won't be jealous, although he has already expressed how he is scared I will love the little guy more than him. I guess that's a normal feeling for guys to have.
P.S. I don't want sappy comments on this.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sensitivity training
Sensitivity training is needed.
That is all I will say at this time. :-(
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
We went to a lake party this weekend and everyone was telling me how small and good I look for being almost 7 months pregnant. I'm glad that I seem small to everyone but I am just hoping the pounds don't start packing on me in the last couple of months. I weighed myself a couple of days ago and I had already gained 4 lbs since my last appt. At this rate, I'll have gained at least 6 more pounds this month. That will only bring me up to 16 lbs total but it is still hard to adjust to gaining so much weight in such a small amount of time.
The weight is really starting to get to my back now. Everyday I have a shart pain going through from right below my right boob through to right under my bra strap. I think it is from sitting in an upright position for too long. I notice it a lot at work or if I'm sitting in a chair. I think the pain in the front is from my underwire. I feel like I'm losing sensation right there, but I also get lightning bolt like pain there too. I went to the back doctor and he tried to fix it but whatever he did, didn't help. So I'm just stuck with the pain for now.
I am officially waddling because of it.
Kylee got to feel the baby kick this weekend. And my mom felt him have the hiccups. He started having the hiccups about 2 weeks ago. He gets those a lot. It's cute. He's rolling a lot now too.