I'll start with the bad so I can end on a good note.
The Bad:
- Taking 2 years to finally happen
- Migraines & back pain
- Not knowing if I could carry to term because of previous issues
- The loneliness of it all sometimes
- Aversion to chicken for 4 months
- Acid Reflux is the devil
- Hormonal breakdowns
- Pain in my hands and feet from swelling
- Restless nights
- Peeing 5x a night
- Just being uncomfortable in my own body/ Feeling useless to help with anything physical
- Not knowing if everything is gonna be okay until he is finally here
The Good:
- Finally getting pregnant after 2 long years of trying
- Seeing that little bean on the screen for the first time
- Feeling the pop, pop, pops for the first time
- Seeing a little human being inside me on screen for the first time
- Feeling him kick and roll
- Getting a little more attention than normal
- People being nicer to me
- Seeing Tony and myself transform through out this process
- Giving the gift of a new great grandson, grandson, niece, cousin and nephew to my family
- Seeing how excited everyone is about his arrival
- Seeing the 3D pics and seeing the possible traits of mine and Tony's in him
- Creating something that will connect Tony and I forever
- The antcipation of it all
- Becoming a mama
I'm sure there are more things on both sides but that's it for now.
Tony finally got the garage so we can park both cars in it but I still don't think I want to park in there. The carseat base is in the car. The room is ready...enough. The business is up to date. The bags are packed. And I'm ready to get this show on the road. Tony is fine if it doesn't happen until Friday but I'm ready now. I guess it's all up to baby at this point. I hate waiting.