Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Up high

Jax's new obsession is being up high.  
So here he is...UP HIGH.
 He's so proud of himself.
We have such a cute baby. I just love him  :-)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random things

Last night, Jax asked to say his prayers for the first time.  Usually, as I am feeding him before bed, I look at him and say, "Do you want to say prayers?"  He looks at me and smiles and then says "prayas" (somehow, I have a kid with a northern accent).  Then I begin saying the the prayer and at the end when we are blessing everyone, he has started to say who he wants to bless without me suggesting it.  It is so cute, last night he added Sadie in there.  At the end, right before I say Amen, he gets real excited, smiles, takes a deep breath and waits for me to say Amen.  Then he says AAAMENNNNNNN!.   Cutest thing ever.

For the past few weeks, when we are in the car, in traffic, he has been saying "Move cars!"  I wonder where he got that from?

We went to the park this weekend.  Last time we went, he was afraid of the slide.  This time, he went right to it, and went down like he had been doing it forever.  Then he got right back up and climbed up and did it again.  He went down ever slide they had.  No fear.  Good boy.

He is a big flirt.  He had 3 waitresses and a bartender come over to our table to flirt with him at TGI Friday's this weekend.  He danced in his chair and talked them.  They all fell in love with him. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sleepy baby

Jax skipped his nap, so he passed out at snack time.  Such a sweet baby.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Random freak outs

Here are a few of the random freak outs we have had lately.

The hotel at the beach was showing Happy Feet 2 on the big screen outside while we were there for Memorial Day.  We thought Jax would love it.  Not so much.  The penguins came on the screen singing and dancing and Jax started holding on real tight and looking at me like what the crap is going on.  Soon, he was in full freak out mode, he started crying and he was scared to death of those penguins. We had to leave about 7 minutes into the film.  Oh well, I guess he's not ready for the movies yet.

Yesterday, he was a little moody.  I asked him if he wanted his pacifier.  He said okay.  So I go get it, he follows me into the kitchen.  I decided to be cute and put the pacifier in my mouth so he can get take it from me.  Well, that didn't turn out too well.  He freaked the crap out.  He looked at me like I just killed his puppy and started screaming at the top of his lungs.  So I took it out of my mouth and tried to give it to him thinking he just wanted his paci back.  Well, he took it, put it in his mouth I guess to taste it and then threw it on the ground. like I put cooties on it.  I tried to get him to take it again, but he cried and refused and screamed at me.  So I decided to get him a different one, but he didn't trust me after that.  So I gave up and went into the living room to wait out the episode. I put both of the pacifiers on the entertainment center. He comes in crying such a pitiful cry, so I kneeled down next to him and asked him if he wanted his paci.  He said no.  I asked if he just wanted mommy to hold him, so he said Okay and climbed into my lap.  Then I picked up one of the pacifiers and gave it to him.  He inspected it and decided that the cooties were all gone and put it into his mouth. I just sat there and held him and rocked him and within a few minutes it was like it never happened.
Lesson learned: Never put my kids pacifier in my mouth trying to be cute.  It's not cute.

The fun times of having a toddler. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

21 months

I cannot believe that in 3 months my little bubba will be 2 years old.  That sounds so grown up and non baby to me.  But, even though he has shown us a bit of an independant streak this month, he also has shown us just how much of a baby he still is and how much he still needs us.

This month:
  • You vocabulary is off the charts lately.  You are saying phrases now and I can understand about 85% of what you say or what you want.
  • You say bless you when anyone sneezes or burps (including yourself) and excuse me when you fart. :-)
  • You think farting is funny.
  • You can say the alphabet all the way through and you can count to 10.  Most of the time we have to say the letter or number and you repeat it or you say the next letter or number by yourself.  You can say a few in a row all by yourself.
  • You went to the beach and got knocked down by a wave.  Now you are scared of the ocean.  You are scared of the pool but once you get used to it, you are fine.
  • You played in the sand.
  • You played in the rain and now anytime it rains you want to go outside and play.
  • You still wake up in the middle of the night and end up in our bed.  Sometimes you won't go to sleep until mommy does.  I don't mind you sleeping in our bed but you need to go to sleep at your bedtime so mommy and daddy can have some quality time.
  • You are a wiggle worm when you sleep.
  • You still love your bottle time and ask for it before bed.  I love the bonding we have when we do this. 
  • You like saying prayers and saying peoples names that we are praying for.  You anticipate saying Amen with a big smile on your face.  You say AMEN! real loud when we are done.  So cute.
  • You like waffles and blueberries.
  • You can say everybody's name now.
  • You are very stubborn.  You think we are joking when we tell you to stop doing certain things and you just keep right on doing them.  We are still figuring out how to discipline you.
  • You are such a picky eater.  We have begun the bad habit of bribing you to eat sometimes.  You can't survive on fishies.
  • I love the way you say daddy when he is playing with you.
  • You are learning to pretend with your toys.  You will feed them and kiss their boo boos.
  • You kiss boo boos if you accidentally hurt anyone.  You are such a sweet boy.
  • You know how to be gentle.
  • You get really animated about the Marley and the Two Kittens book.  You tell Marley No! No! when he is making a mess and being bad.
  • You can almost reach the pedals enough to push your tricycle around.  I think by your birthday, you will be big enough.
  • We have definitely reached the terrible twos.
You are such a fun lovable stubborn little boy. I love every part of you. You are growing up too fast.