Thursday, April 18, 2013

Big boy underwear

I just have to say how freaking cute Jax looks in his big boy underwear.  I got him to wear some for a little bit last night.  I gave him the option of Boots or Diego and he picked Boots...then Diego...then Boots...then Diego...this went back and forth about 3-4x when I finally put my foot down and told him he had to pick one.  So he went with Diego.  We put them on and I told him to go show daddy.  He showed Tony and we both made such a big deal about what a big boy he was for wearing them.  I gave him a marshmallow just for wearing them. 

I told him to let me know when he had to pee or jsut go into the bathroom. He said he understood.  We watched a 30 minute show and he got up and stood in front of the bathroom door.  I asked if he had to go and he turned around and peed on the floor.  Oh well.  He did what he was supposed to do, just didn't make it to the potty. 

I was so proud of him for getting the concept.  I cleaned him up and told him he could wear his Boots underwear tomorrow. 

He looks so grown up in those cute little undies. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pure joy

Yesterday, Jax faced his fears.  Most of the time, he is a little scaredy cat of anything new.  We went to the carnival yesterday.  Last time we went, he would only ride the carousel.  He was afraid to ride anything else.  Well, I guess he decided he was gonna be brave because he rode the carousel, the bus that goes round and round in the air, the motorcycles and he climbed all the way to the top of the slide all by himself.  Granted, he didn't have the courage to slide down, but everybody knows the fun part of that is climbing to the top anyway. 

As his mommy, my heart was just overflowing with pride and awe to watch him on those rides and see the look of pure joy on his face.  It is rare to see that innocence and joy of experiencing something so new and fun for the first time at our age anymore.  You could tell he was having so much fun and he was so proud of himself for riding all by himself like a big boy. Lots of happy moments yesterday.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Singing songs

Everyone who knows me, knows that I do not sing in front of people. Not because I can't sing, but I have a fear of it. Anyway, I'm sure I've sung bits and pieces of songs in front of Tony in the car but for the majority of the rest of the world, I do not sing.  Except for with Jax.  At first I started out humming to him when he was a wee baby and that seemed to help him sleep.  But recently, I started actually singing to him when I am holding him or rocking him before bed.  He always looks up at me and just stares and smiles until I'm done.  Then he asks me to sing it again over and over.  So I do.  I only sing 3 songs to him because my mind draws a blank when I try to think of any others.  I sing You Are My Sunshine, Goodnight Sweetheart, Well It's Time To Go and Old McDonald.  I'm actually flattered that he likes my singing since I never let anyone else hear what I sound like.

Last night after I was done singing, he asked me to sing the banana song.  I had no idea what he was talking about.  So I asked him if it was a song he learned at school.  He said yes.  I told him he would have to sing it since I didn't know it.  He said, okay, I sing it. 

And with his lovely little baby voice he began to sing:
Banana, banana, boble theisoie d, eit banana, banana.
I guess he forgot the words, but he still sang the mumble jumble in tune.

Then he asked me to sing the frog song.  Once again, I told him I didn't know it.  So he sang it to me.
Froggy froggy up in the treeFroggy froggy go up the mouuuuuntain
adkfojfa afafj a dkfjaoifjaiop
Froggy froggy up in the tree
Froggy froggy go up the mouuuuuntain

So there you have it. The banana and frog songs.  He has such a sweet little voice.  He might even be able to carry a tune when he gets older.  He sounds pretty good now.  We know what side of the family he got that from.  ;-)