Thursday, February 17, 2011

3 hours & growth update

So I spent 3 hours in the doctors office yesterday just so the doctor can tell me that Jax is doing better.  Gee thanks for telling me what I already knew and taking so long to do it.  Thankfully Jax is feeling a bit better since starting on the meds and he has a little more spark to him the past couple of days.  He is still really whiney and is coughing but overall, he is getting better.  We measured him while we were there because I can't seem to keep up with what size clothes to buy him.  He is growing like a weed.  He pretty much just skipped the 6month size clothes and fits perfectly in the 9month clothes which looked so big.  He is 25 3/4 inches long and weighs 16 pounds.  I have no idea what percentile that is but I assume it is somewhere in the middle from what I've researched.  He isn't really wanting to breastfeed very much lately.  He cries when I lay him down to do it and he will only attached for about 5-10 min on each side now.  He used to go 15 on each side everytime.  I don't know if he is just being more efficient or if it's because he is sick and it's just easier to suck on the bottle.  I'm sticking it out but I hate having to pump at home and work.

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