I can't believe Jax is 9 months old today. I feel like I missed some of the first months with him because I was in such a haze. But he is just getting more and more fun everyday. He is wearing size 9m and 12m clothing. He is eating a lot of different foods now. He will eat anything we give him except for mashed potatoes. Tony doesn't like them either. He seems to be allergic to spinach (he got 3 hashes on his face). He also had a reaction to cinnamon and got a rasho n his tummy. His favorite thing to do now is be up on his daddy's shoulders. He is a big flirt. He can go all directions in his walker now and he likes to pet the animals much to their dismay. We are learning to pet and not pull.
9 month stats:
- 20.9 lbs ...........average weight
- 28 3/4 inches tall .............above average height
- 18 1/4 head .............above average circumference (I guess he's gonna be smart with a big ole head)
Lots has happened this month:
- May 22, he got dedicated at church
- Memorial Day weekend he went to the beach for the first time and played in the ocean.
- he eats lots of people food off of our plates now
- he has learned to sit up from a crawl position
- he rocks back and forth on his hands and knees
- he is starting to pull up on the furniture
- he is having major separation anxiety
- we are finally on some sort of schedule, bedtime is around 8:30-9pm most nights
- he sleeps through the night occassionally
- we stopped breastfeeding this month
- he uses the sippy cup pretty well and he likes to drink out of big people cups
- he is starting to express what he wants by pointing or gesturing to it
- teeth
- crawling
- standing on his own
- saying mama and dada
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