Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Jax has bronchiolitis, basically a baby form of bronchitis.  He has been miserable for about 5 days now and he was just getting worse and worse, so I took him to the doctor yesterday.  Got a breathing treatment.  Now he's on 3 meds which he doesn't like the taste of one bit.  He slept most of the day yesterday.  When he would briefly wake up, I felt like I had missed him even though I had been with him all day.  He was a trooper though, giving me a smile even though I know he felt like crap.  It was so sad seeing him so miserable.  He actually gave me a few hugs for the first time.  Every now and then, I would just watch his little chest move up and down making sure he was still breathing.  I know I'm not the only mom who does this, so I don't feel like a freak.  He slept much better last night so maybe the meds are working...hopefully.  He weighs 16 pounds now.

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