Monday, June 20, 2011

Tony's First Father's Day

Tony's Father's Day started out with breakfast in bed, cinnamon rolls for us and bananas and puffs for Jax.  Then we went to his parents house and had lunch and hung out for a while.  While we were there, we took a little trip down memory lane and let Jax ride on some of Tony's old toys.  He had a great time.  He thought he was hot stuff on the airplane, zooming around almost by himself. 
Jax on his airplane
Jax on Tony's old rocking chair
Jax on Tony's old rocking horse.

Once we got home it was time to play.  We have to trap Jax in the living room now or he will crawl to wherever he wants and that is usually to Sadie or Joy.  He is getting so fast.  the last thing Tony wanted for his special day was a PB&J sandwich made by me, so I obliged him and we all ate dinner together.  Jax finally went to bed at the correct time tonight.  He hasn't been sleeping well since he is getting his teeth in.  So basically Tony had a day of eating whatever he wanted and having it made for him.  He has a way of getting what he wants on days like these. I got him a gift certificate to a new kind of spa that we are both gonna try out.  I hope it was a good day for him.  He really is such a good dad.

1 comment:

  1. what a special day for him! Im glad you were able to hook him up. You have a gorgeous family.

